Heaters for Parts Sanitizers and Washers

image of industrial parts washers

Eichenauer manufactures Flanged Immersion Heaters for industrial parts washers are used to clean and remove grinding & milling residue, grease, contaminants, and debris from parts and equipment. Eichenauer flanged immersion heaters heat a high temperature pressurized liquid medium needed to sanitize and clean parts.

Eichenauer electric flanged immersion heaters offer a great solution for industrial parts washers. They are cost effective and are designed for long life and quick response times. Our electric heaters are energy efficient and don't require carbon offsets like fossil fuel and natural gas fired elements. They are easy to install, easy to maintain, and come in a number of material options. We can custom engineer elements to match your industrial part washer specifications.

image of square and circular flanged immersion heatersimage of square and circular flanged immersion heaters

We Build It For You

Our standard tubular element heater sheaths are available in 316Ti stainless steel or INCOLOY. These sheath materials resist scaling and corrosion, extending the longevity of the heating element. We also offer passivation - chemically passivated sheaths add to corrosion resistance and sheath protection.

Standard flanges are offered in Steel or Stainless Steel. Tubular element heaters can be mounted to a standard 2.5", 3.0", 4.5" or 5.75" square flange, a 6" & round flange or built to your specification. Eichenauer also offers standard flanged heaters in varying kilowatts ratings, voltages, flange configuration, and immersion length.

If you have unique requirements for your parts washer heater, our engineers can customize a solution to fit your needs. Engineering considerations depend on the specific application required for your boiler.

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We Stock It For You

Once designed and accepted, Eichenauer can stock flanged immersion heaters for you. Ask how we can reduce your inventory and provide heaters on time to meet your demands.

What Are Your Flanged Heater Needs?